Success Stories: fibroids

Fibroids Never Returned!

I had an experience with fibroids in 1999 along with excessive bleeding, severe pain, abdominal soreness, and discomfort. I had them surgically removed. I was told by the surgeon that most likely the fibroids would return. However, I have been taking Endovan daily and I have never had any fibroid tumors since!

I would recommend this product to women who are having poor health experiences related to fibroids. Endovan works well for me and I recommend this product to family and patients. A five star product!!

Dr. Stephanie F.

Bye Bye Fibroid Pain

I got diagnosed with fibroids and was desperate to find a pain reliever that was natural.
I came across this site called and spoke to Gerry who was fantastic he answered all my questions and I decided to order it.
Why not?
So I got it took about one weeks worth and whammo no pain.
I kept waiting and waiting no pain .
I felt better and got my life back!!


Relief from bloating and pain

This product is a God-send. I give thanks for the one who listened and followed the path to put these ingredients together. After 2 laparotomies for 4th Stage Endometreosis, I was desperate for alternative routes of healing. I took months of Endovan first in the years 2006 and beyond. Had great reports of no return of Endo. Then in Feb. 2021 some fibroids started surfacing with pain and bloating. Prayer and Endovan – Giving Yeshua the GLORY+++ bloating receded and pains diminished.


Endovan stopped the pain

Several weeks ago, in January 2021, fibroids suddenly grew large on both ovaries (where I usually get them) and caused the worst pain I’ve ever had with them, barely able to bend without sharp pain, to the point where I had trouble putting shoes on.

Several points I’d like to make:

  • Endovan stopped the bad pain within a 2-3 days (THANK YOU), and now less than 3 weeks from starting, I’m forgetting to take the capsule since I don’t feel any fibroids at all.
  • I also continue to take a CoQ10 (100-200mg) every other day when taking Endovan, since all enzymes require CoQ10 anyway, so I think it boosts the process when treating.
  • I’m now nearly 67, and had my last period at around age 56. So, being post-menopausal does not mean you’re safe from major fibroids. These were the worst.
  • I hardly ever drink coffee, but had been drinking quite a bit for 2-3 weeks before the fibroids grew so large. I had read there were studies showing a possible connection. Mine is just one experience, and thought I’d share, but I honestly don’t know.

I continue to tell everyone about Endovan, and tell them to please share with others. Many times I will show the 8″ scar on my abdomen from my first and only fibroid operation, over 17 years ago. I found your product in a frantic search when the fibroids grew back, and I hope others have been “saved,” too.

Thank you so much. I hope the U.S. gets to the point where these natural cures are prescribed by doctors, or at least suggested as an option. Since it takes so little time to use Endovan, and causes no harm, why not try this option?


Working on my fibroids after just 3 months!!

I now only have 2 fibroids, one large one that is on the outside of my ovary, and one tiny one. But my 2cm calcified fibroid is gone! Since I am a lucky to not be symptomatic from my fibroids unless pregnant, the only way I could find out if Endovan was working was to get an ultrasound. I haven’t even finished my 4th bottle yet and am so happy to have progress and results!! The fibroid that is gone was the only one inside of my uterus. I have learned it takes longer for the subserosal fibroids, which I had guessed and makes total sense. I told my OB yesterday that I started taking them after canceling my myomectomy this fall and he gave me the approval to keep taking them. Yes people, a medical doctor actually told me I could keep taking Endovan ha. So happy, I hope you have the same success as I have. I have also been pushing my friends to try this out. No stopping for me now as I do believe in time these will do the job for me & I won’t need to get surgery! I was also on birth control for the first 2 months of this experiment but eliminated it to help increase chances of fibroid breakdown. Don’t wait just do it!

Erika A

Life-long customer!

I originally started taking Endovan several years ago to relieve the sometimes debilitating symptoms of endometriosis and fibroids. When I recently ran out, I decided to test whether I still needed the supplement, now that I’m menopausal. My symptoms returned in less than two weeks. I will be a life-long customer. Thank you!


Endovan has eliminated my fibroids for over ten years

I have used Endovan for many years now, and I keep trying to spread the word. This product has consistently eliminated my fibroids. And I have read many reviews from others over the years that it helped them with endometriosis, to the point where they did not need a scheduled operation. This was the case with me and my fibroids.

What brought me to Endovan over ten years ago was this: I had an operation over fifteen years ago to remove fibroid tumors on my ovaries and uterus. Then several years later, the fibroids grew back.

My doctor had told me that an operation was the ONLY way to get rid of fibroid tumors. For that operation fifteen years ago, he also wanted to remove my uterus during the operation, since I “really didn’t need it anymore” due to my age (late 40s?), and that he said the fibroids usually grow back.

I insisted on keeping my uterus – to me it was a part of my womanhood, and I believe removal creates other issues, such as potential weight gain, and immediately going into menopause. I wouldn’t think of any other woman as less of a woman if her uterus is removed, and you can’t tell from the outside anyway. But to remove a uterus when it’s not necessary doesn’t make sense to me.

I had the operation, the major nausea and pain afterward, and weeks of recovery to be able to get back to running. It’s over fifteen years later now, and I’m now 65 and still have the 8-inch scar and am still numb and itchy in that area. And I have a “flap” of skin that bulges out above the scar – on my once-flat belly.

When the fibroids came back, several years after my one fibroid operation, I frantically searched for a natural way to eliminate them. So many chatrooms indicated Endovan helped others with fibroids and endometriosis – and they cancelled operations. I could not find one negative review or statement that it didn’t work for them; this was unusual, and it still is.

When I consulted with my doctor, he said there is no way Endovan could possibly work – that my body would simply tear apart the ingredients of the pills. He suggested “before and after” ultrasounds when I insisted, to prove it to me. He was very surprised, and almost confused when the ultrasounds showed that it worked.

To this day when I get that pinching and pain, I start up the Endovan and am relieved, although I really shouldn’t stop, and maybe take one a day, since there are no bad side effects. The reason I stopped and started over the past five years or so was that I, once again, believed something else my doctor said back then:

My doctor had also said that once I went into menopause, I wouldn’t get fibroids anymore, or they would just go away on their own – and said maybe that’s what had really eliminated the fibroids, and not the Endovan. Wrong again, and I proved it to myself this week.

I was thinking that maybe as I continue into menopause (starting around age 56 – through age 65 now), that maybe the fibroid formation really would diminish or just go away over time. So, for the past five or so years, I would just wait until I got the fibroids and hurry up and order. BUT, I thought maybe I just wasn’t giving my body enough time to eliminate them – so this time I waited, and waited – for many weeks. Big mistake.

Last week I was in so much pain, it was shooting down my leg and across my back – and I winced went I bent over, and had a hard time sleeping – waking up bent over like the “old lady” I am. I do not like feeling my age, thank you. I never did until these past few weeks.

Once I was at this painful point, and starting to freak out that maybe it was cancer, I ordered the Endovan. So, I am concluding that the “experts” and contemporary medicine once again didn’t know what they’re talking about.

Today, I’m sitting here in tears, since after just a 2-3 days of Endovan, the pain is subsiding. This is what I’ve gotten used to with Endovan over the years. I was going to wait to post this review, but I wanted to write while I’m experiencing this joy of initial relief.

As an aside, I had found on chatrooms, way back when that, since the ingredient in Endovan that dissolves the bad tissue of fibroids is an enzyme, and all our bodies’ enzymes use CoQ10 – that taking 100mg of CoQ10 every other day seems to boost how quickly I get relief. I could be wrong, but I’m not stopping now, after all these years of fast relief.

I trust the Endovan product because their support people are very knowledgeable – and I highly recommend getting in touch with them if you have questions or if there may be some tweaks to the treatment that may help you in your personal situation.

I also trust Endovan because this is not just some cheap product from China. Nutritional supplements and natural treatments can be so variable, when it comes to the ingredients selected, how the ingredients are processed and where sourced – as well as the entire staff of the organization.

For example, as a botanist myself, I know how various species of plants can look similar but react very differently in our bodies. This is why black cohosh has been accused of destroying kidneys. There are different varieties of black cohosh and completely different species that are identical.

I also read an article a few years back about a study done, investigating various nutritional supplements and companies/corporations -and how we are misled and exposed to health dangers by people and organizations who just want our money.

I like that this company truly cares and continues to improve their products. I like that it contains 250% of Vitamin D minimum daily requirement – and we are all likely deficient in this vital nutrient. I like that it also contains 250% MDR of Vitamin B6, since although I’m not vegetarian, I’ve cut down on meat – and vegetarians can be deficient in B6. And I like that I can trust that the ingredients are of the highest quality.

I mostly like that it works. Thank you, Gerry and everyone at your organization, for all of us that you have helped.

Linda S

It works

I am so grateful for Endovan. I was diagnosed with fibroids April 2018. I drove myself to emergency because I was having trouble breathing. I took a blood test and my blood levels were 3.2. I received a blood transfusion ( 5 units) and stayed in the hospital for 3 days. My doctor put me on birth control pills and iron pills. On October 29, 2018. I had another episode where I couldn’t stop bleeding. That morning my sister called 911 because there was blood all over the room. Another hospital stay of 3 days and 3 units of blood. That was it for me. I am going to get rid of these fibroids without surgery. I asked God to send the best natural way to rid my body of these fibroids. I discovered Endovan days later. After a week my fibroids felt smaller and softer. After 2 weeks the bleeding was way less than what I had expected. I just ordered my second bottle. I am praying my cycle returns to its natural state soon. Thank you Endovan


It works!

I began using this product in 2006 after doctors found 2 fibroids in my uterus. I had just had one removed that was the size of an orange. Determined not to have another surgery, I searched for a natural cure and found Endovan. Stacy’s testimony won me over. The results were amazing, the pain stopped and the fibroids began to shrink. One of my co-workers had the same problem and was bleeding heavily, her doctor prescribed medicine but it didn’t help. I told her about Endovan, she started taking it and the heavy bleeding stopped. Another lady I knew had fibroids and had been bleeding for 4 months straight, I gave her a bottle of Endovan, she began taking it and within one week the bleeding slowed, within 2 weeks the bleeding had stopped! Endovan is an amazing product and I would recommend it to anyone who has fibriod issues.