Without Endovan, I wouldn’t be where I am today – pain free, and very happy!
Without Endovan, I wouldn’t be where I am today – pain free, and very happy!
Helping other women is both a specialty and a passion for Dr. Stevko. She works with many women clients, preparing for and recovering from pregnancy, resolving emotional conflicts, improving health, finding better life balance, job issues, and improving relationships.
Dr. Olga uses Endovan when dealing with women who have fibroids and desire a non-surgical alternative.
Dr. Olga Stevko is an internationally known Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner and trained MD from Russia who has integrated Hypnosis, NLP and Clinical Nutrition to help hundreds of clients “change their thoughts, and transform their lives”, including high profile CEO’s and celebrities. She has been featured on NBC, MSNBC, and Russia State TV. Dr. Olga focuses on both Health & Healing and Personal Growth, and specific areas of expertise include: Weight Loss, Habit Modification, Anti-Aging & Longevity, Surgery Healing, Stress Reduction, and Hypno-birthing. She is the author of multiple Hypnosis/NLP CD products, and is a highly regarded seminar speaker. Clients who follow her program have a 98%+ success rate.
“I now know after twenty years in Medicine and healing that all things are possible, and healing and growth begin with changing your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors to get the results you want.”
Olga knew she would dedicate her life to healing others while recovering from her own early childhood illnesses at the age of four. She graduated with her Medical Degree with honors from the prestigious Medical University in Vladivostok, Russia. Medical School focuses included Clinical Nutrition and Holistic Medicine approaches, which look at the whole person and the mind-body relationship. Olga moved to the US after eight years medical practice in Russia. Her credentials include Advanced Hypnotherapy Certifications with numerous top US master trainers, Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Certified Health Practitioner of NLP (one of only 500 US Graduates). Her NLP trainers include NLP pioneers Robert Dilts, Steve Andreas, and Tim Halbom. Memberships include the National Guild of Hypnotists (the oldest and largest Hypnosis Society), and IASH (The Institute for the Advanced Studies of Health, the leading US NLP Society). Olga has combined her thousands of hours of client sessions and years of training to create unique, proprietary processes which combine Hypnosis, NLP and nutrition to obtain superior results to those she had achieved using any of the processes individually.
I have suffered from endometriosis for 16 years. I couldn’t even live a normal life. The pain was so intense it would make me pass out. I missed a lot of high school because of this condition. Nothing seemed to help; surgery or pain pills. I discovered Endovan 1 1/2 years ago and have been pain free ever since. I can’t thank you enough, it is truly a life saver. Now I can live a normal, happy, healthy, pain free life. Thanks again!!!!!
Amy L.
I suffered with Endometriosis for about 11 years. I would have horrible cramps that would cause me to throw up from the pain. I’ve been taking Endovan for almost a year now, and I no longer have to take any pain meds at all during my period. I did stop taking it a few months ago for a couple months to see what would happen. The endo pain did return, but I got back on it, and I’m feeling great again.
“I couldn’t decide which photos to send so I just send a ton. I hope that you have fun looking at them. We love our little girls and are so thrilled that we have Endovan in our lives. My life and the life of everyone they meet would not be the same. They are such lovable girls. Thanks, Maggie”
Since I started my menstrual cycle at age 14 I have had severe back pains and cramping. The cramping was so bad that I would have to stop what ever I was doing and crouch in a ball. Many times I would find my self confined to my bedroom because the pain and nausea was so bad that I felt incredibly ill.
My family has a history of bad cramping during their menstrual cycle so I thought that I just inherited it. I went on thought life with no other thought but that I had just inherited it. Years went by and my symptoms increased; I began thinking there was something terribly wrong with me. I saw many doctors and they gave me different answers; Fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, nausea, head aches etc. You name it and I had a symptom of it.
I am now 30 years old and finally have a few of the answers but this was one of the main issues; about three years ago I started my menstrual cycle and this time the pain was so bad that I could not work for several days. The pain continued to intensify even after my cycle was done. I saw my primary doctor and had an ultra sound. The ultra sound reviled several large masses. The mass structures were so large they could not find my uterus. I saw a surgeon that same day and was put in for emergency surgery three days later. I woke up feeling I wanted to die from the pain I was in. The doctor came to see my and said I had a severe case of endometriosis; he said it was stage four and the worst case he had ever seen, he got most of it but he had to cut open both my ovaries and found chocolate cysts as well as untangle my colon and blater. I was left feeling completely gutted and violated.
I went to my check up a week later and the doctor wanted to start me on hormonal medications. I refused to take them because I had tried similar drugs in the past for other reasons and felt awful on them. My mom came to take care of me after my surgery and started looking on the internet; she found Endovan and said it wouldn’t hurt to try it.
I started taking it about five days later and within a month’s time I felt a little bit better. The swelling started to come down about two months later and about six months later I was feeling better than normal. I was still recovering from my surgery when I found I had a thyroid issue as well; a friend introduced me to a specialist a year after taking Fibovan and four months after the thyroid medication I got pregnant with our first baby girl. Our little girl, Sarah was born April 11, 2009 at 6:30am. Beautiful healthy baby girl. Thank you so much Endovan.
“I couldn’t decide which photos to send so I just send a ton. I hope that you have fun looking at them. We love our little girls and are so thrilled that we have Endovan in our lives. My life and the life of everyone they meet would not be the same. They are such lovable girls. Thanks, Maggie”
After many painful cycles and complaining to my doctor, I had surgery in 2008 to find and remove endometriosis. Six months later I started showing symptoms of reccurrence. In 2009 I needed to have surgery again, the pain was constant and was weighing me down.
After starting Endovan, I noticed a difference in the first month. I am very happy to say have not been back to the operating room since. I have since recommended Endovan to many friends and family.
Thank you for a great product.
Karen (Australia)