Monthly Archives: June 2012

I had a completely normal cycle lasting only five days

Before taking Endovan, I experienced bloating of the mid-section, I dreaded summer, because this was the time of year when most people would shed their closes. But, instead I was trying to cover up as much as possible. So many people would ask over and over “oh how many months are you”, or “when is the baby due” etc…) Fortunately, I never experienced the pain that most women do, but, I was a size twelve/fourteen with a forty-two inch waist. I was very unhappy during this time in my life.

During my later age period, my cycle became so heavy I would wear two super pads for three to four days changing them every two hours to avoid leaks. I also experienced a headache for the first three to four days of my cycle because my blood pressure would go up as high as 172 over 140. At one point, I had lost so much blood that I became anemic, and had to be put on iron supplements. My cycle would last up to ten days or even more. After many disappointing visits with many doctors trying to convince me that I did not have any other choice but to have surgery, I began doing my own research in 2011 on natural alternatives to having surgery and removing fibroids. I found Endovan on the internet and started researching the product. I was a little skeptical because it was coming from the internet, but I decided to give it a chance. From what I had read and heard from others, I believed Endovan would work for me. So, I decided to measure my waist and take a picture of what my waist looked like before in order to document my progress. I started using Endovan, and have continued to use the product, for about a year now. I have been documenting my own progress. I have also, attached a before and after picture because I wanted to be able to prove that this product was actually working.

After the first three months, I noticed that my periods started turning back to normal. My headaches decreased and my blood pressure was not as high as before. In addition, my cycle only lasted about seven days. By the seventh month, I had a reasonably normal cycle. I only required one super pad at a time. I only had a slight headache along with elevated blood pressure the day before my cycle started. It only lasted about five days. My energy level was great. I also noticed my waist was smaller.

On December 2011, I was talking with my sister, and she told me that there were some women at her job that noticed the changes in me and wanted to know what I was doing. I told her about Endovan. I personally marked after a year and some months of my use of Endovan, that I had a completely normal cycle lasting only five days and using only one regular pad at a time. I don’t experience any headaches and my blood pressure is a lot lower during my entire cycle. I was so amazed that I decided to take another picture to update my progress. I am very satisfied with what I see!


The best thing about Endovan is the quickness in which it works

Three weeks after my visit the doctor’s office called me at work. The nurse asked me when I wanted to schedule my surgery. I told her never. She acted surprised. So I told her that I didn’t have any burning anymore and that I felt very good. I then told her to tell the doctor it was because I started taking Endovan and it really did work.

I’m thirty-three years old and I am no longer thinking about a hysterectomy. I discontinued taking pain medication. Endovan has eliminated all my symptoms, including my monthly headaches. I am happy and feel normal. The best thing about Endovan is the quickness in which it works. I have just ordered my third bottle.

I want to thank the makers of Endovan. Thank you so much for caring enough to come up with a non-surgical solution to a disease that affects so many women.

– Dawn L.