I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometreosis, after I had a emergency laproscopy procedure. I didn’t even know I had endometreosis. After listening to all the symptoms, I was like Wow!!! I have been having these pains forever.
Being a Mother we very often put others needs first, my thing was unless I felt like the pain was gonna kill me than I would go to the emergency!! I was just so use to putting little things off. Now I know better.
I was told my only option would be to have a hysterectomy!!! I dwelled on the option for a long time. I didn’t want to go thru surgery or the recovery process, but at the same time I did not want to live on pain meds. Of course you talk it over with your wonderful husband!! Only response i got was “It’s up to you Babe!!” Smiling sure why not because my agenda is so clear!! I’m being sarcastic, Sorry!!
I started researching!! I was so skeptical on trying Endovan, because I have wasted a lot on falling for false ads.. I kept reading reviews. Something told me “just try it because you consider surgery”.
When I got the product!!! Omg!!!!! The second day I was releaved from pain and other aches associated with endometreosis. I took 2 tablets a day because of the stage 4.. I felt better back pains were mild. The real test was waiting how my first period went after taking Endovan.
This was the first time in a long time is where I was thinking. Wow!! This is Amazing!!!
My cramps were like nothing cause handling the pain for so long you intend to tolerate a high pain tolerance.
During my period it was just amazing how my pain during my period would be on the scale would a 20. But taking Endovan my pain was a .5, I was so blessed and releaved I told my husband this really works..my back aches are so mild they only hurt cause Im a Truck Driver.
One month I forgot to reorder Endovan!! I was thinking ok!!! Maybe it wont be so bad… I didnt take Endovan for 3 days!!! When my period came, I was crying telling my husband Omg!!!! I havent felt like this in 2 months. I was in so much pain, i tried to do everything.. I just was so amazed how not taking Endovan just flipped my pain back into zone 30…as soon as I ordered Endovan and got it in a couple of day!! I took the regular dosage. I felt soooooooooo much better.. I am a firm believer in this product!!!
I am so not gonna forget to order Endovan ever!!! I will be a customer for LIFE!!!!
This is cheaper than getting the hysterectomy(and not knowing if you are gonna need another one), recovering time, loss of wages, losing yourself!!!
Being in pain, taking all these other pain medicines just to get by!!
Please Endovan keep it steady and keep it coming,
Those that have opinions on this is fake! Nothing against those opinions. I ask that you refrain from it unless you try it.. Trust me I am the last person that would ever consider getting products online and trying it.
I really just didn’t want to have surgery… And lose time with my family… LIFE IS TOO SHORT!!! Endovan has giving me the choice of living life to the fullest without pain or living it with pain not to the fullest.
Try Endovan, I have been on Endovan for 4 months I did not want to write a review until I knew!!! And experienced.
Please if you have any stage of endometreosis and weighing options of other procedures and pills… Give Endovan!!!! Trust me you will not regret it. I don’t and feel so blessed and happy to have this product.
Hi. I’m 35 years old and I’ve been diagnosed with Endometriosis. I had surgery recently, but they couldn’t get it all. They put me on birth control pills to help. I’m tired of medicines and I don’t want to get a hysterectomy. Do you think trying this supplement will help me. Please let me know because I’m tired of being in pain.
Hi Tameika – thanks for your interest in Endovan. Please contact us at support@endovan.com so we can answer all of your questions. Thank you