Endovan Success

I was faced with a horrible surgery and a decision after to have hormone therapy and basically go into a hormone induced menopause. I chose Endovan instead and it changed my life. I now have two little girls that I love. I love Endovan – it has saved my life!

– Maggie R.

2 thoughts on “Endovan Success

  1. Faith

    Did anyone suffer with these symptoms … Mostly around ovulation , my whole lower parts become swollen , I can’t go # 2 because walnut looking ” stuff gets trapped – because my whole bottom is swollen – it feels like I have to pee all the time and when I do pee it can go on & on .. No burinb or

    1. Faith

      When I per or during inter course , but so swollen and tummy is all bloated and lower pelvic area do tender to the touch low back on fire .. It’s been going in for 10 years doctors say I’m fine , I gave up gluten and sugar and that just helped me lost weight ( I work out every day and am very fit 42 yr old 54 110 lbs .. I’m suffering and am so tired from it I also get headaches and fatigue .. If this pill will even moderate these symptoms ill take it !!

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