I noticed results immediately

I just wanted to write to tell you what a wonderful product I think Endovan is. After being diagnosed with fibroids and experiencing terrible cramping during menstruation I decided to try your product. I noticed results immediately. I ordered the two bottles and only went through a half of the first bottle. My daughter in law was going to the doctor because of fibroids…I gave her the extra bottle to try…she had the same immediate results. We have since recommended your product to many; you see, my daughter who’s 17 has had severe cramping during menstruation and it didn’t dawn on me to have her try it till another family member tried it for menstruation and had success…well I had a half bottle left and decided to let my daughter try it…since taking Endovan; it’s the first time that she’s gone through menstruation without cramping. Will continue to recommend your product to others.
